UTC Partnership

Preserve Chattanooga partners with the University of Tennessee Chattanooga (UTC) Interior Architecture and Design program on two historic preservation initiatives, the annual senior thesis projects and a minor in historic preservation.

Senior Thesis

Each year, the senior class of the Interior Architecture and Design program select a historic building in need of a new use. The students spend the year focused on an adaptive reuse concept and produce design boards and construction documents. Preserve Chattanooga works with the students to select a building, provides guidance on preservation matters, and selects the top three projects to receive awards for vision, design, and preservation.

Minor in Historic Preservation

Preserve Chattanooga partners with UTC to fund adjunct professors for a minor in Historic Preservation. The minor creates an opportunity for undergraduate students to work directly with preservationists and to make a positive impact on the community. Courses include Introduction to Historic Preservation, Survey of Architecture, and Field Documentation of Historic Buildings.