Did you know that Chattanooga has a Preservation Plan?

Back in 1977, TOWNSCAPE was hired to prepare the Chattanooga - Hamilton County Landmarks Survey and Preservation Plan for the Chattanooga - Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission. The final document included history, archaeology, an architectural overview, neighborhood maps with descriptions, and an inventory of the most important buildings. The plan states that “implementation will ultimately be left to existing and proposed public bodies and to the will of the people of Chattanooga and Hamilton County.” The plan is worth remembering.

Kim F. Zarney & Robert C. Gaede AIA, Architect

“Your historic city and its surroundings, rich with archaeological and eventful history, represent in the overall a community of noteworthy heritage. Architectural achievements covering more than a century add importantly to the mix. As your community continues to grow and change, your commitment to this analysis of how its cultural heritage may better be preserved becomes crucial to the future quality of life in the area.

We sincerely hope you will find the material here presented to be useful for years to come. Surely, this study should magnify the understanding and self-appraisal capability of your civic leaders and citizens at large. With appropriate legal steps it may also generate a strong consensus and tool for environmental protection and cultural preservation. Ultimately economic advantages should be realized. “